The first thing I want to mention is my desk organizer! Yes, I made one of those thousand drawer, labeled, masterpieces. Lol. It actually was super easy! I found the instructions here.
I really love this thing because I can keep all of my items for myself but also items for my sweet kiddos. Band aids are huge! I love when they say...I need to go to the nurse for a band aid...and I say...nope sweetie, I have one right here! Plus it makes the teacher desk look very organized. I will give you a small tip though....if you are anything like me, I use paper clips very often. I found that I need those out on my desk in an open cup. Just a thought, but I made a drawer for them and became very aggregated every time trying to find them. So they are in a cute bucket on my desk.
Behind my desk I have a bookshelf with all of my teacher resource books on there. On top of that book self, I have colorful book holders, but I use them for my daily work and lessons! I have used these for 3 years and will never go back. It's great for when a sub is around, or just for me daily! I like them because they are big, I put all of my read alouds in there, worksheets, games, and group work! I highly recommend doing these!
I plan on redoing my labels this year though, I am sure I can find cuter ones! :)
Here is a better link to some...they are much cheaper than my Mardel's ones! Book Baskets! I love that they already have a space for the days of the week! :) Maybe I will buy these and replace my others! :)
I do not even know what to call them, but I love them! Lol. I put all of my extra sub work, emergency sub plans, etc in my sub work drawer. With a toddler I have had many a days that I have had to call in unexpectedly and say I would not be in due to ear infections, stomach bugs, etc. My subs have always been very positive about this drawer. Emergency sub plans are a huge deal! I have an Emergency Sub Work BUNDLE on my store if you are in need of a PRINT and GO kind of NO PREP Bundle. :) Go take a look and add it to your wishlist!
I also like the graded drawer and file drawer...I would love to act like as soon as I use a master copy of something I can file it immediately, but No...haha. I use that drawer daily!!! Then I file at the end of each six weeks! The graded drawer is self-explanatory! But I love grabbing the papers out of that on Friday afternoon and then heading home!
Speaking of grading! I love using these binder clips...I thought they were silly and a bit overpriced a first, but they are really handy!
Oh and another adorable thing I am having made this year are THESE! :)
I have a set of stamps, but Vista Print can make these with your name on them! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Now I haven't done it yet, but I suppose I should soon! These will stay on my desk too, then when I do grade papers during conference or whatever, I can stamp those sweet kids papers! :) Read this girl's blog post about them!
I set up a teacher notebook. You are welcome to purchase mine in my store! I love it! But regardless, get one!! It is so handy to pull out at parent conferences, file staff development papers, take on field trips, etc!!! It truly is a must have!! Here is mine in my store: Teacher Binder (right now it is a best
seller, I am super excited about that!) haha yes I am a nerd.
Anyway, I used mine last year until it was falling apart! It is truly best to get one going now though, then when you get your kids names, numbers, can start filling it in!
Bottom line is, I just feel organization in my teacher area makes me a better teacher. I don't spend time trying to find things, I don't have a sub running around asking teachers for things, and I don't have junk all of over my desk! Well..sometimes I do! Haha. But for the most part, I stay organized and that makes my life easy!
What are some of your favorite things that keep you organized in your teacher area? I would LOVE to know!! :)
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