written by Hillary Kiser


Choice Board Packet!

Well I must say...my Choice Boards on TPT have been BIG HIT! People love them and I have had many requests for some different versions!

So I created a Bundle that includes all of my Choice Boards! You can find it HERE!

 I cannot wait to use these this year instead of having students respond on notebook paper (boring!) These choice boards will spice things up and help me know if the students are really getting a certain concept! 

 This packet includes a Math, Reading and Poetry Choice Board...as well as both Reading Response Choice Boards! Hope you enjoy!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. We teach with our voice, with the volume and pace of our speaking. We teach with our eyes and through the connection we make or do not make with others. We teach with our actions and in-actions. acim

  3. It is not letting me access the product page :-( Is there somewhere else I can get it?
