written by Hillary Kiser


Parent Communication and Positive Reinforcement!

Wow, I have been one busy little bee! Not only am I relishing every second of this time off with my husband and sweet one year old but I am also making and laminating a million things to go on my walls of the classroom this next year! Unfortunatly, they are not "blog" ready yet. :) Soon though...soon soon! However, in the process of working on those things--I have found some great goodies to share! :)

Here is one I came across that I absoutely plan on using next year. Here is the link.
I am in the process of making a parent communication notebook (pictures to come later) and I believe this will go great in it! Here is a sample of what I am making--of course I got the idea from somewhere else, but I love it! Of course the parent communication sheet in the picture above is the one I will use in the notebook!
Parent communication is so important! However, one of the hardest things I run into as a teacher is keeping track of those spontaneous calls and e-mails...and those random notes the students bring in! All so very important but it is a MUST to stay organized with it!! August 27 is not the time to figure that out--because the first days are crazy!! :)

I also found a fabulous idea for positive reinforcement! As you have probably seen in a previous post of mine--I plan on doing punch cards for my kids that stay on green! Well, I have figured out the prize(s) I want to give them when they get their entire card punched! I ran across this and think it is great! Kids get rather bored with treasure chest items or candy (even though teachers are NEVER EVER suppose to give candy.) ;) We allll know that kids get bored with it...(I know...crazy talk!) So I think these Prize Passes will be great!

Just print these off and you are ready to go! :) I know all of these things are little--but they are sure to help the year go more smoothly! Enjoy! :)

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